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Kebaktian 25 Sep 2022 - pk 16:00
Cynthia 078 619 6794 - Stephen 076 284 7854
About MRII Bern

MRII Bern is the International Reformed Evangelical Community in Bern, Switzerland (under synod of the International Reformed Evangelical Church) was formed and inaugurated on 15 November 2009 as the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Federation (PRII Bern) and inaugurated as MRII Bern on 15 March 2015.

Pastor: Pdt. Billy Kristanto

A brief History
27 DECEMBER 2008

Starting from a fellowship of Indonesian Christians who long to fellowship with other Christians who are also of their nationality and homeland. This fellowship has been around since 2008. The desire to fellowship with other Indonesian Christians is only a secondary burden. The primary load is that
the founder of this fellowship had a very high desire for high quality theology. This was felt by him after he toured a number of churches in various places in Switzerland. Because his needs were not met, he established a reformed theology-based Christian fellowship and asked so that the GRII synod (“International Reformed Evanglical Church”)  overshadows the established federation. The federation started with about 10 people.


The official fellowship under the the GRII synod (“International Reformed Evanglical Church”) . The dedication service was attended by about 40 people.

MARCH 15, 2015 (MRII BERN)

Maturation of PRII Bern to become MRII Bern. With that amount
down from 40 people to 20 people, PRII Bern was invited to become more mature by becoming MRII Bern. This is an interesting step. We don’t know what God wants to do through this maturity. But we move on. And praise God, within 2 years the church may grow not only in quality but also in quantity. Average number of congregations that are
attendance to approximately 42 people.


What is unique about MRII Bern is that MRII Bern is the only Indonesian church located in Switzerland. Commitment is not something that shouldn’t be praised. Only 1/3 of the MRII Bern congregation whose congregation is able to attend services every week live in the city of Bern. The other 2/3 live in other cities and not a few live in ca. 80-115 km from Bern. It is true that the other body of Christ, which is the profound Word of God, and what the founder of this fellowship longed for was also felt by the rest of the body of Christ, namely, the Word of God which is deep and of high quality.

A warm fellowship that cannot be denied is one of the strengths and attractions of MRII Bern. What a wonderful fellowship that is written in Psalm 133 to be real to us. Remembering our very vulnerable faith, especially in the middle of a country that has thrown God away, we thank God that God has given us a place where we can worship Him.

May God use us not only for Indonesians, but also for Swiss people. Until now only small steps have been taken to reach the Swiss people. One of them is the MRII Bern Christian Youth Club program. By containing young people who are critical, theological and have attended school since childhood in Switzerland, we hope we can reach out to Swiss youth. It’s a tough mission. But we are only servants. We just do His work.

Soli Deo Gloria.


Routine activities every Sunday

14:00 Bible Study
4:00 pm Sunday School Sunday Service

Routine activities every Thursday

21:00 Fellowship of Prayer

Activities every 3rd Saturday of every month

4:00 pm Stake Fellowships in Bern & Zürich

Activities every 3rd week of every month

14:00 Christian Youth Club

Attach your name and email for more info on MRII Swiss