Based on God’s grace and faith of faith passed down from time to time to us, we will serve this day by establishing a pulpit faithful to God’s Word and giving the good news of the gospel of Christ to our fellow human beings.
Together with all the chosen people of God throughout the world, we would like to see a steadfast church established as a witness of Christ, to meet the century to come.
We pray that the Spirit of God fulfills every Word preached from this pulpit. We pray that every congregation that hears the Word from this pulpit gains true faith through His Word.
We pray that a man who obeys His Word may experience his salvation in His gospel and become more perfect like our Lord. We pray that this pulpit stirs the conscience of God’s righteous and righteous people before Him, lives lovingly and justly in the body of Christ, and is responsible in all aspects of his life as a witness of the gospel of Christ in the world.
May all glory return to The Lord the giver of the Word to man. Peace reigns over every soul He loved forever and for all. The Lord blesses and leads the ministry of this pulpit until Thy will becomes. Tell thy vision of Thy people, call thy servants to the harvest of Thy field. Bless my people through this pulpit. Grant the prayer of Thy servant.
(Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong)
Retrieved from: Musings on The Inaugural Service of MRII 17 September 1989.