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Kebaktian 25 Sep 2022 - pk 16:00
Cynthia 078 619 6794 - Stephen 076 284 7854

Confessions of Faith

Evangelical Reformed Confession


We believe in one living and true God, eternal and self-sufficient in His existence, who transcends and precedes all creation. In His eternity, the One God exists in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is not begotten by or from anyone. The Son is begotten by the Father in eternity. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son in eternity. These three Persons are equal in their divinity and one in their essence so that the mind, affection, and will of these three Persons are one. In connection with His plan of salvation, the Son submits Himself to the Father and the Holy Spirit submits Himself to the Father and the Son. This living God is the Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Judge. God created the universe out of nothing by His powerful Word, which is independent of His creation. He sustains and governs all that He has created and preserves His creation. God’s creation is a historical fact. Therefore, God is sovereign over all His creation, establishes everything from eternity by His power and will, and preserves His eternal decrees. God’s decree is not based on what He sees will happen in the future and outside of Himself but solely based on His will. For the sake of expressing His glory, God predestined some people and angels to eternal life and predetermined others to eternal destruction. God is Spirit, unlimited, indivisible, immutable, omnipotent, omniscient, perfect in His decisions, His righteousness, His gentleness, and His mercy. The general revelation of God in creation is enough to reveal who God is.


We believe that the fall of man made the Bible the special revelation of God absolutely necessary for man to gain the knowledge of God and His will necessary for his salvation. The Bible consists of 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament and is the perfect revelation of God. Although written by men, all the words of the Bible were breathed into the writers by the Holy Spirit and are therefore true and without error in the original manuscripts in all things taught, including matters concerning history and science. In His providence, God has preserved the purity of His Word from age to age, both in duplication and translation, so that the Bible continues to speak to all mankind throughout the ages. After the canonization of the Bible was complete, God no longer gave new revelation so that God’s people are not permitted to add to or take away from what God has already revealed in the Bible. The Bible claims to be the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit God’s people are convinced of the truth of the Bible as the Word of God. As the Word of God for His people, the Bible has authority, is absolutely necessary, sufficient, and clear so that it is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training people in righteousness. The Bible has sole and absolute authority for personal faith and life, the church, and also the testimony of God’s people in society until Christ returns.



We believe that the first human being, Adam, was uniquely created as body and spirit/soul in the image and likeness of God and was created with true holiness, righteousness, and knowledge. The creation of human beings, as male and female, is a historical fact. As a creature in relationship to God, Adam was created to live out the thoughts of God and to obey God. As the representative of humanity, Adam’s obedience was tested through a covenant of works in which eternal life was promised to Adam and his descendants on the basis of perfect and continuing personal obedience. Although created as God’s representative to rule over and subdue all of God’s other creations, humans are not there to exploit nature but are entrusted to work and keep God’s creation for God’s glory. As a faithful covenant keeper, God demands that all aspects of human life be lived under God’s command as an expression of obedience to God’s laws.


We believe that Adam failed in his personal obedience to God by breaking God’s command. Adam’s fall resulted in the image of God being corrupted, so that all aspects of human life were tainted by sin and humans experienced alienation from God, from themselves, and from the rest of creation. As the representative of humanity, Adam’s fall resulted in all humanity falling into sin and death spreading to all people, resulting in the entire creation being cursed and subjected to futility. Spiritually dead and separated from the Triune God, humans received God’s just wrath, without hope and without help for salvation, either from themselves or from creation.



We believe that God in eternity made a covenant for His chosen people, with Jesus Christ as Mediator. As the second and last Adam, Jesus Christ gave His perfect personal obedience to God’s law (active obedience) and His suffering even to death on the cross (passive obedience) and thus fulfilled the covenant of works that Adam failed to fulfill. Because of Christ’s perfect obedience, God no longer demands obedience as the basis of our salvation, but now offers a covenant of grace to those, both old and new covenant people, who believe in the perfect obedience of Christ. Through the power of Christ’s resurrection, God continues to call and gather His people from all ages and nations to be a royal priesthood and a holy nation for His glory.

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, true God and true man, the only Savior of mankind who fulfilled God the Father’s plan of salvation for God’s chosen people. Although equal to God the Father, Christ emptied Himself by taking on a human nature in His incarnation. In His incarnation, He is fully God and fully man, both natures unconfused, unchangeable, undivided, and inseparable and both united in one Person. As a man, Christ had a human mind and will. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, became like us, but without sin, was crucified, died and rose from the dead, received a glorified body of flesh and blood, ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father in His glorified body, and will come again in His glorified body. He came, died on the cross, and was resurrected for the sake of God’s chosen people. His sacrifice was a sacrifice that atones for our sins (atonement), that justifies us before God (expiation), that reconciles us to God (propitiation), and that satisfies God’s justice towards us (satisfaction). Through His perfect obedience, our sins were imputed to Him and His righteousness was imputed to us (double imputation). As the only Mediator between God and humans, Christ simultaneously fulfills threefold office that is important for our salvation: Prophet, Priest, and King. As a Prophet, Christ



  1. I believe in the gospel as the power of God to save every believer.
  2. I believe one God in the Three Persons, the Creator of man and the world, the Supreme Judge of all sins and the Source of man’s salvation.
  3. I believe the fall of man as a historical fact that causes total pollution of human nature. Therefore, man is unable to save himself.
  4. I believe in god’s sovereign grace to men who do not deserve salvation, who choose His people in His highest wisdom by His eternal determination, and act in the dynamic process of history, to redeem them in His Only Beend, Jesus Christ.
  5. I believe in the incarnation of Jesus Christ through the birth of a virgin, His sinless life, crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension are historical facts that make up the essence and news of the gospel, as the only means to achieve God’s salvation.
  6. I believe in the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ, embodied in His sacrifice of replacement, restoration(propisiation), redemption and atonement, which gives new life to man.
  7. I believe in preaching the gospel as the only good news, which provides the foundation of a happy life and eternal hope for mankind. Evangelism is:
    – A living testimony of true Christians who subject themselves to God’s commandments.
    – Create private meetings between sinners and God, through the intercession of Jesus Christ.
    – The cause that gives rise to faith that saves in the hearts of men.
    – The key to the growth of the church and the fondness for His eternal presence.
  8. I believe in repentance as evidence of a new birth of the Holy Ghost that produces true faith in Jesus Christ and produces new fruits of life.
  9. I believe in the anointing of the Holy Ghost in evangelism in the form of courage, wisdom, strength, and fondness for witnessing those who obey the Great Mandate of Jesus Christ.
  10. I believe in the finality of the gospel which is perfect in itself, which cannot be replaced or compared, either by religious thought, philosophical ideas, and earthly good deeds (qualitatively different), or with cultural mandates and social care in orthodox and evangelical faiths (only a complement to pre- and post-evangelism), or the caricature of the Holy Spirit and the miracles and signs in the Bible (which God sometimes uses to witness His gospel). We must maintain the perfection of the gospel.
  11. I believe in the unchanging power of the gospel of Jesus Christ that is able to preserve His atonement and change society through their testimonies until the day of fulfillment of exaltation upon Jesus’ return.

Rasuli Confession

I believe in God the Almighty Father, the khalik of heaven and earth.

and to Jesus Christ His only beese Son of our Lord.

Conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary.

Who suffered miserably under the reign of Pontius Pilate, crucified, died and buried, descended de in the Kingdom of Death.

On the third day, there will be a rise from the dead.

Ascend to Heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, the Almighty Father.

And from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit.

Holy and general church, the fellowship of saints.

The remission of sins.

The resurrection of the flesh.

And eternal life.



Routine activities every Sunday

14:00 Bible Study
4:00 pm Sunday School Sunday Service

Routine activities every Thursday

21:00 Fellowship of Prayer

Activities every 3rd Saturday of every month

4:00 pm Stake Fellowships in Bern & Zürich

Activities every 3rd week of every month

14:00 Christian Youth Club

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